Simple Words 2024

Math in Simple Words

Simple Words aims to make mathematical research more accessible to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, with a particular focus on helping students from underrepresented groups become more familiar with the different mathematical fields.

Experts from various fields, such as mathematics, statistics, and computer science, will discuss their research in ‘simple words’ so that a first-year grad student can follow. Unlike traditional talks focused on a single result, speakers will provide a broad overview of their work, emphasizing connections to other disciplines. As part of this initiative, Simple Words will further foster understanding by simplifying complex concepts for a wider audience.

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The presentations will take place every other Tuesday at 8:00 pm ET, from October 1st to December 24th, via Zoom.

Please see the schedule below for specific dates, speakers, abstracts (by clicking ), slides (by clicking , when available), and other relevant information.


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